Final Aim Announced a Partnership with BionicM – Tokyo, Japan


Tokyo, Japan, June 16th, 2020 – Final Aim, Inc. (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, CEO Masafumi Asakura, and CDO Yasuhide Yokoi), is proud to announce that the company has partnered with BionicM (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, CEO Sun Xiaojun).

Our company mission is to support a zero-to-one step with technology for new business category creation and job opportunity generation following to it.
Since our foundation in December 2019, our global challenge has expanded from Japan to Singapore, Indonesia and to Africa in autonomous mobilities, robotics and digital manufacturing where we enable a zero-to-one for startups, new business development departments in large corporations and research labs in universities.

BionicM has been bringing new innovation to mobility by using technology that blends robotic technology with the human body.
As a startup from the University of Tokyo, the company has been applying cutting-edge technology based on robotics engineering research to solve the problems of conventional prosthetic legs and create small, lightweight, high-performance prosthetic legs that realize natural movement.
Furthermore, BionicM aims not only to develop artificial legs, but also to create technologies and devices that bring power to the mobility of healthy people.

BionicM has selected Final Aim as a business alliance partner from the viewpoint of global business development and marketing with a view to designing, prototyping, and mass production in the manufacturing industry from the perspective of global expansion.

The partnership aims to develop the BionicM’s business growth stage to a global scale, by blending Final Aim’s proven hands-on capability of zero-to-one startup support in the hardware design and manufacturing industry.

– Comments –

Sun Xiaojun, Founder & CEO of BionicM Inc.
Since starting our business in 2018, we have been engaged in research and development aiming at the practical application of powered prostheses.
We are confident that this alliance will further strengthen our business foundation and global expansion as we move into the mass production and domestic and overseas sales phases. In order to support Zero to one, we would like to further accelerate our business in order to achieve the mission of “Powering Mobility for All” by collaborating with Final Aim, which has a global track record and knowledge in the hardware field.

Masafumi Asakura, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Final Aim, Inc.
I’m proud of working with BionicM. In addition to its approach to solving social issues by powered prosthetic legs, we were drawn to the high aspirations and attractive personality of CEO Sun, and we would like to support them globally.
I am convinced that we can expect synergies between the business development that combines design, hardware, and software and Final Aim’s capability from the medium- to long-term perspective.

Yasuhide Yokoi, Co-founder and Chief Design Officer of Final Aim, Inc.
I am fascinated and inspired by the challenge that BionicM is solving, its leading-edge technology, and above all, the passion towards the vision.
With our industrial know-how and mindset, Final Aim will extend the utmost cooperation in realizing the vision and business goal to a global scale.

About BionicM
BionicM has been conducting research on innovative technologies since 2015 at the University of Tokyo’s Information Systems Engineering Laboratory (JSK) under the guidance of Professor Inaba and utilizing the world’s most advanced robotics research.
In 2016, we were adopted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency as part of “Program for Creating STart-ups from Advanced Research and Technology” (START), and in 2018, the company was established as a joint-stock company.
With the support of the University of Tokyo, we have established an office at the Entrepreneurship Laboratory of the University of Tokyo, which is an incubation facility, and are advancing research and development with the aim of delivering products to the market.

About Final Aim, Inc.
Company Name: Final Aim, Inc.
Location: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Business Description: Zero-to-one support with design and technology
Founders: Masafumi Asakura, Chief Executive Officer / Yasuhide Yokoi, Chief Design Officer
Partners: OTSAW, Yasunli, BionicM
Contact E-mail:

Final Aim Collaborated with OTSAW by Design to Develop Autonomous Delivery Robot – Singapore


Singapore, June 3, 2020 – Final Aim, Inc. (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, CEO Masafumi Asakura, and CDO Yasuhide Yokoi), is proud to announce that the company has collaborated with OTSAW Digital PTE LTD by design to develop Camello, the revolutionary autonomous delivery robot.

Final Aim’s mission is to support a zero-to-one step with technology for new business category creation and job opportunity generation following it.

And since January 2020, Final Aim has formed a business partnership with one of the leading robotics startups – OTSAW – a company based in Singapore and Silicon Valley that implements self-driving and artificial intelligence technologies into security, delivery, and mobility applications.

Previously, as a 1st and emergency project to correspond with the threat against the COVID-19 pandemic, the two companies collaborated intensively to develop the UV-C LED disinfection autonomous robot, O-RX.

Now, for the 2nd project, Final Aim is pleased to announce the collaboration by design to develop Camello, an autonomous delivery robot that disrupts and transforms the last mile delivery service.

Similar to other countries, Singapore faces the inefficiency in the last mile of the logistics chain, which accounts for a large proportion of shipment costs and complexity of operations.
This distribution inefficiency in urban areas comes from low load factors, long dwell times at loading and unloading points and a high number of delivery requirements to individual customers within a short time.
And, especially in Singapore, due to the urban development of many malls and housing estates, there is a big gap in the demand of deliveries in housing estates and shortage of supply from retailers.

The autonomous delivery robot Camello challenges this issue with many design features such as compact dimensions that are perfectly optimized to the Singapore urban environment, easy-to-use cargo space and user friendly interface & styling.

Under the partnership with the industrial key players, the robots are planned to be installed by the delivery companies and retailers in Singapore.
And ultimately, it is expected to build an ecosystem that provides a new delivery chain to improve customer experience, and help businesses gain better efficiency and profitability over time.

About OTSAW Digital PTE LTD
OTSAW Digital PTE LTD was founded to improve business processes, safety, and everyday lives.
With a global team that spreads from Singapore to Silicon Valley, the company builds robotics solutions for security, delivery, and mobility applications, implementing our self-driving and artificial intelligence technologies into OTSAW’s cutting edge machines.

About Final Aim, Inc.
Company Name: Final Aim, Inc.
Location: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Business Description: Zero-to-one support with design and technology
Founders: Masafumi Asakura, Chief Executive Officer / Yasuhide Yokoi, Chief Design Officer
Partners: OTSAW, Yasunli
Contact E-mail:

Fight Against COVID-19 – Final Aim Collaborated with OTSAW by Design to Develop Disinfection Robot – Singapore


Singapore, May 27, 2020 – Final Aim, Inc. (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, CEO Masafumi Asakura, and CDO Yasuhide Yokoi), is proud to announce that the company has collaborated with OTSAW Digital PTE LTD by design to develop O-RX, the revolutionary UV-C LED disinfection autonomous robot.

Final Aim’s mission is to support a zero-to-one step with technology for new business category creation and job opportunity generation following it.

And since January 2020, Final Aim has formed a business partnership with one of the leading robotics startups – OTSAW – a company based in Singapore and Silicon Valley that implements self-driving and artificial intelligence technologies into security, delivery, and mobility applications.

As an emergency project, to correspond with the threat against the COVID-19 pandemic, Final Aim collaborated intensively by industrial design with OTSAW and supported its rapid development of the disinfection robot O-RX.

The robot is the first revolutionary UV-C LED disinfection autonomous robot in the world. With a disinfection rate of 99.9%, the innovative UV-C LED technology emits only UV-C light, which is effective in killing microbes, including viruses such as COVID-19.

By using UV-C LED technology, it is 70% more energy-efficient as compared to conventional mercury lamps. Also, it is friendly to humans as it is much safer and non-cancerous to human skin as compared to conventional mercury lamps that emit harmful UV-A and UV-B radiation.

On top of that, it is equipped with state-of-the-art heat management and cooling systems to help counter the heat that is being emitted from the high intensity LED modules in the robot.

Within a super tight development lead time, the industrial design realized above severe functional criteria in a compact dimension that can be rapidly prototyped and produced. Furthermore the design leveraged form, materials, and colors for the safe ergonomics and user interface that will be critical to the harsh environment.

The robot will be installed in indoor facilities in Singapore, helping to keep people safe and lessen the spread of the virus.

About OTSAW Digital PTE LTD
OTSAW Digital PTE LTD was founded to improve business processes, safety, and everyday lives.
With a global team that spreads from Singapore to Silicon Valley, the company builds robotics solutions for security, delivery, and mobility applications, implementing our self-driving and artificial intelligence technologies into OTSAW’s cutting edge machines.

About Final Aim, Inc.
Company Name: Final Aim, Inc.
Location: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Business Description: Zero-to-one support with design and technology
Founders: Masafumi Asakura, Chief Executive Officer / Yasuhide Yokoi, Chief Design Officer
Partners: OTSAW, Yasunli
Contact E-mail:

Final Aim Filed the Second Patent Application for Smart Contract in Startups and New Business Developments


Integrating Machine Learning and Blockchain into Final Aim Platform for Valuation and Scoring Management

Tokyo Japan, May 21, 2020 – Final Aim Inc., Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, CEO Masafumi Asakura and CDO Yasuhide Yokoi, proudly announce that we applied to our second patent (No. 2020-086365) on May 16, 2020. This is to integrate machine leaning and blockchain into our platform in the frame of Smart contracts.

Our company mission is to support a zero-to-one step with technology for new business category creation and job opportunity generation following to it.
Since our foundation in December 2019, our global challenge has expanded from Japan to Singapore, Indonesia and to Africa in autonomous mobilities, robotics and digital manufacturing where we enable a zero-to-one for startups, new business development departments in large corporations and research labs in universities.

In Singapore, for instance, we inked the partnership with OTSAW Digital PTE LTD, a self-driving mobility startup, and in Indonesia, PT. Yasunli Abadi Utama Plastik., with 40 years of expertise, more than 5,000 employees and 6 factories, became one of our great business partners.

Through our journey of zero-to-one creation for startups and new business developments in various countries, we found that the major growth blocker sits in the shortage of cash for necessary settlements in an early to expansion phase of the business.
We believe that numerical value of their shares can be scored by machine learning and be secured by a Smart contract framework, and that this will enable them to set settlements by shares.
In this framework of Smart contracts, value scoring of shares can be credibly quantified.

Now we came to file a patent application for integrated machine learning and blockchain platform for valuation of the business and its scoring management.

Platform for Valuation and Scoring Management by Smart Contracts

Following to our first patent for intellectual property management system applied in March 2019 (No. 2020-34812), this patent is the second for Final Aim to enhance our further challenges.
Final Aim prioritize 3 categories in our zero-to-one support; intellectual properties, equity financing and designing, and we take stepwise approach in patent acquisition.

Our first patent is Smart contract system for intellectual property management to secure design rights in owning assets.

Intellectual Property Management Platform by Smart Contract System

Our second patent application in blockchain with machine learning is based on equity financing and business valuation for settlements by shares.

Final Aim encourage this new platform in Smart contract framework with business value management in addition to online intellectual assets management to enhance our zero-to-one support.
With this patent, we continue our efforts in developing and offering new services globally and creating new categories of business with design and technology for zero-to-one challenges.

[What is Smart Contract?]

A smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Smart contracts allow the performance of credible transactions without third parties.
These transactions are trackable and irreversible. Proponents of smart contracts claim that many kinds of contractual clauses may be made partially or fully self-executing, self-enforcing, or both.
The aim of smart contracts is to provide security that is superior to traditional contract law and to reduce other transaction costs associated with contracting. Various cryptocurrencies have implemented types of smart contracts.
Being a part of blockchain technology, a Smart contract is now being widely tested in POC (Proof of Concept) projects, especially in managing contracts and documents.
Its market size is 67 trillion yen (reference: Government Chief Information Officers’ Portal, Japan, 2016.5.20).

[What is Blockchain?]

A blockchain, originally block chain, is a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked using cryptography.
Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. By design, a blockchain is resistant to modification of the data.
It is “an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way”.
For use as a distributed ledger, a blockchain is typically managed by a peer-to-peer network collectively adhering to a protocol for inter-node communication and validating new blocks.
Once recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without alteration of all subsequent blocks, which requires consensus of the network majority.

Masafumi Asakura, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Final Aim, Inc.

Starting his career in corporate financing for venture company at Mizuho Bank, Ltd.,. Asakura engaged in global planning department in Recruit Career Co., Ltd., and after moved to Singapore for taking 2 CEO positions.
Joining machine leaning and 3D printer startup company, he operated M&A as a COO to become listed with 1st section of Tokyo Stock Exchange. His professional experiences vary in Head of Product Manager, Executive Officer, Business Planning Executive Officer and International Business Development Executive Officer.
Currently Asakura engages in supporting startups and entrepreneurs as an angel investor and advisor.

Yasuhide Yokoi, Co-founder and Chief Design Officer of Final Aim, Inc.

Born in Japan and raised in Australia. After graduating from Tama Art University, and finishing Samsung Design Membership, Yokoi worked for product design department at Nikon Corporation, and then became a startup member of a machine leaning and 3D printer company.
Currently engages in design and hardware development support for startups and open innovation projects for large corporations.
His support varies in creating new business, service and product designing.
Received awards are iF, reddot, GOOD DESIGN AWARD and more.

About Final Aim, Inc.

Company Name: Final Aim, Inc.
Location: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Business Description: Zero-to-one support with design and technology
Founders: Masafumi Asakura, Chief Executive Officer  
      Yasuhide Yokoi, Chief Design Officer
Partners: OTSAW, Yasunli
Contact E-mail:

Final Aim Filed Patent for Intellectual Property Management System


Tokyo Japan, March 19, 2020 – Final Aim, Inc. (Final Aim) filed a patent (No. 2020-34812) for intellectual property (IP) management system on March 2, 2020.

With this smart contract management system by blockchain technology, Final Aim enables accurate IP and design patent management in startups, for example, where minimizing corporate value assessment in the due diligence process is imperative.

Final Aim’s vision is “Supporting all innovators that challenge Zero-to-One and create new industries”.
The company has been focused on developing its service and product to create the world where all challenges are encouraged.

To further enhance the company activities, Final Aim filed a patent for the IP management system as its very first patent application.

Compared with large corporations, not many startups own internal IP departments. However, IP management is highly demanded at venturing business not only in IPO and M&A but also in fundraising.

What is Intellectual Property?

Intellectual property (IP) is a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect. There are many types of intellectual property, and some countries recognize more than others. The most well-known types are copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets.
The main purpose of intellectual property law is to encourage the creation of a wide variety of intellectual goods. To achieve this, the law gives people and businesses property rights to the information and intellectual goods they create, usually for a limited period of time. This gives economic incentive for their creation because it allows people to profit from the information and intellectual goods they create. These economic incentives are expected to stimulate innovation and contribute to the technological progress of countries, which depends on the extent of protection granted to innovators.
– Wikipedia (link)

However, securing resources in corporate management is hard at agile startup environment.
Although the global numbers of patent application are growing, it is often the case that not many startups file patents in the course of their business activities.
Having an internal IP department and an assigned patent attorney should be ideal for startups, but these resources weigh heavy at initial phase.

– World Intellectual Property Indicators 2019 by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (link)

Furthermore, a design patent and its importance in the business strategy is often overlooked among the startup founders.

What is Design Patent?

A design patent is a form of legal protection granted to the ornamental design of a functional item. Design patents are a type of industrial design right. Ornamental designs of jewelry, furniture, beverage containers, and computer icons are examples of objects that are covered by design patents.
– Wikipedia (link)

– World Intellectual Property Indicators 2019 by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (link)

To solve this and related major issues, Final Aim developed design patent management system applying blockchain technology and filed a patent for IP.
This smart contract system enables to minimize corporate value assessment in due diligence process.

What is Smart Contract?

A smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Smart contracts allow the performance of credible transactions without third parties. These transactions are trackable and irreversible.
Proponents of smart contracts claim that many kinds of contractual clauses may be made partially or fully self-executing, self-enforcing, or both. The aim of smart contracts is to provide security that is superior to traditional contract law and to reduce other transaction costs associated with contracting. Various cryptocurrencies have implemented types of smart contracts.
– Wikipedia (link)

A smart contract is part of blockchain technology that is now being widely tested in POC (Proof of Concept) projects, especially in managing contracts and documents.
There is plenty of room for improvement in blockchain technology, however, the business value-add of blockchain is forecasted to grow more than $176 billion by 2025, and then it will exceed $3.1 trillion by 2030. (Gartner Research: link)

What is Blockchain?

A blockchain, originally block chain, is a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data.
By design, a blockchain is resistant to modification of the data. It is “an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way”. For use as a distributed ledger, a blockchain is typically managed by a peer-to-peer network collectively adhering to a protocol for inter-node communication and validating new blocks. Once recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without alteration of all subsequent blocks, which requires consensus of the network majority.
– Wikipedia (link)

– Survey on Blockchain Technologies and Related Services by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (link)

As filing the patent, Final Aim will be accelerating the product development, business development, and hiring, and enhancing on achieving our corporate vision of “Supporting all innovators that challenge Zero-to-One and create new industries”.

About Final Aim

Final Aim, Inc. is a firm provides hands-on design & technology.
The company cooperates with startups, labs, and MNCs, accelerating ambitious ideas & technologies to realize great design & business.

Headquarter Location: Tokyo, Japan
Founders: Masafumi Asakura, Yasuhide Yokoi
Founded Date: December 2019
Services: Business Design / Industrial Design / UI & Software Design / Technology Strategy / Financial Strategy / IP Strategy
Contact: Masafumi Asakura (

Announcing a Business and Design Partnership with Yasunli – Jakarta, Indonesia


Jakarta Indonesia, February. 12, 2020 – Final Aim, Inc. (Final Aim) is proud to announce a business and design partnership with PT. Yasunli Abadi Utama Plastik (Yasunli), one of the largest plastic manufacturers in Indonesia.
Final Aim will support PT. Yasunli Abadi Utama Plastic in launching a new business line in the Indonesian market.
The 1st output by the partnership – the lighting design series – is scheduled to be launched in July 2020 when Yasunli celebrates its 40th year anniversary.

From left, Erwin Jouw, Executive Director of Yasunli and Yasuhide Yokoi, Chief Design Officer of Final Aim

PT. Yasunli Abadi Utama Plastik is one of the largest industrial plastic manufacturers in Indonesia. Established in 1980, Yasunli has 306 units of injection machines that are spread among 6 factories located in Jakarta and are being operated by more than 5,000 employees. Yasunli has served high-quality plastics to multi-national companies such as Astra Honda Motor, Epson, Sharp, Gojek and Grab.

In 2020, Yasunli will celebrate its 40th Anniversary, and in alignment with the theme, Yasunli has decided to partner with Final Aim to challenge new endeavour to the B to C business with a target of lighting and lifestyle category. Final Aim will support Yasunli’s new B to C business line from business strategy, brand and category strategy, product design development, and mass-production.

By combining Indonesian manufacturing technology and craftsmanship with Japanese design touch, the partnership aims to become the leading pioneer in the Indonesian market.

The initial public release and the press conference of the partnership and the new business line concept was held on the 12th of February, 2020, at Ocha & Bella, in Jakarta, Indonesia.

More than 70 media gathered at the press conference

Exclusive interviews

Presentation by Yasuhide Yokoi, Chief Design Officer of Final Aim

The Presentation Slides and Scripts:

“Hello, my name is Yasuhide Yokoi, an industrial designer and a Chief Design Officer of Final Aim from JapanWe are a design partner company of Yasunli. For this last part, I would like to explain about Yasunli’s new business line that will be launched this 2020.
In this presentation, I will be explaining the overview and the concept. The final design and the actual products will be released in the next press conference in July.”

“Firstly, before getting down to the main agenda, I would like to briefly introduce about myself. After the introduction, I would like to explain the overview of the new business line. Then, I will go through the background and aim. After that, I will hand over to Adeline and she will talk about the product concept. Lastly, I would like to mention about the schedule for the upcoming launch.”

“Let me make a quick introduction about myself. Once again, my name is Yasuhide Yokoi, an industrial designer and a Chief Design Officer of Final Aim.The company is located in Tokyo, Japan, and we cooperate with large companies and startups, accelerating ambitious ideas & technologies to great business & design. As an industrial designer, I involve in not just the aesthetics of products but wide areas from business strategy, concept making, hardware development to final mass production.”

“Previously, I have collaborated with numerous clients from global Japanese companies to leading-edge startups, such as Toyota, Honda, Nikon, Olympus, Kokuyo, Dentsu and Hakuhodo. The industry covers a wide range such as mobilities, electrical appliances and stationeries. As my principal, I put emphasis on designing sweet spots between business, technologies and user insights, sculpting them to the maximum of its potential. I am very proud and honoured to be chosen by Yasunli, as a long term design partner company for this new project.”

“Now, I would like to get down to our main agenda – the introduction of Yasunli’s new business line. This new business line activity was established in alignment with the Yasunli’s 40th Anniversary Theme – “Growing Together”. The new business line will make use of Yasunli’s 40 years of industrial and professional experience, as a one-stop plastic production solution, which the company has been increasing, the quality of life of Indonesian people.”

“Specifically, Yasunli will be entering into a new domain – B to C. Yasunli will launch a new series of products into the lighting and lifestyle category. As Adeline will describe later, we will be launching many different types of lighting, with a whole unified story and product design. Furthermore, not just for 2020, but we have the roadmap of expanding this series in the next 3 years. Yasunli will be releasing new products every year, and will become a comprehensive lighting company.”

“Let me explain the background and aim of this new business line. As a corporate vision, Yasunli holds: “Shaping Life Together”. And, not just B to B – which has been and will be the core strength of Yasunli – but also entering into B to C domain and providing high-quality products to all general consumers, will empower the advancement of achieving this corporate vision. We will create one-of-a-kind products by combining Indonesian manufacturing technology and the power of Japanese design.”

“ Let me also explain why we have chosen lighting and lifestyle category for our target.
Formerly, Yasunli had launched lighting products in the past, and it has been the DNA of the company ever since. Also, needless to say, Yasunli possesses deep know-how and experience in the plastic technology that has been evolved and inherited over the long years. The plastic functional property and emotional characteristic have high synergy with the lighting products. By integrating the Japanese design touch, we wanted all people to enjoy and obtain the benefit of Yasunli’s craftsmanship to the maximum in daily life.“

About Yasuhide Yokoi | Chief Design Officer of Final Aim:

Yasuhide Yokoi – “Yasu”, born in Japan, grew up in Australia – is an industrial designer highly oriented to designing sweet spots between business, technologies and user insights, sculpting them to the maximum of its potential.
He possesses deep know-how on creating meaningful user experience by form, colors, materials, finishes, and manufacturing processes. He has collaborated with various types of clients⁠ – from early startups to MNCs – and a wide range of industries such as automotive, digital appliances, furniture and industrial equipments.
MNC clients that have worked with include Toyota, Honda, Nikon, Olympus, Microsoft, Autodesk, Kokuyo, Dentsu and Hakuhodo.
Received multiple design awards: iF, Red Dot, GOOD DESIGN AWARD, etc.

Full portfolio is as below.

About Final Aim

Final Aim, Inc. is a firm provides hands-on design & technology.
The company cooperates with startups, labs, and MNCs, accelerating ambitious ideas & technologies to realize great design & business.

Headquarter Location: Tokyo, Japan
Founders: Masafumi Asakura, Yasuhide Yokoi
Founded Date: December 2019
Services: Business Design / Industrial Design / UI & Software Design / Technology Strategy / Financial Strategy / IP Strategy
Contact: Masafumi Asakura (

Announcing a Business Partnership with OTSAW – Singapore


Singapore, 27th January 2020 – Final Aim, Inc. – a hands-on design & technology firm – reached to form a business partnership with OTSAW Digital PTE LTD.
Final Aim will provide industrial design service for OTSAW, that will be engineered and launched as to its robotics solutions for security, delivery, and mobility applications, implementing its self-driving and artificial intelligence technologies into OTSAW’s cutting edge machines.
The 1st collaboration project is expected to be launched in 2020.

“We are very excited and it is the greatest honor to become the design and business partner of OTSAW. We hope to accelerate the design and business by maximizing our design experience in the startup industry.”
Masafumi Asakura, Chief Executive Officer of Final Aim

“We are proud to support the industrial design for OTSAW – a technology innovator that builds groundbreaking solutions to improve environments, business processes, and everyday lives. We are looking forward to releasing an impressive and competitive design that would be loved by the Singaporian people.”
Yasuhide Yokoi, Chief Design Officer of Final Aim

OTSAW Digital PTE LTD was founded to improve business processes, safety, and everyday lives.
With a global team that spreads from Singapore to Silicon Valley, the company builds robotics solutions for security, delivery, and mobility applications, implementing our self-driving and artificial intelligence technologies into OTSAW’s cutting edge machines.

About Final Aim

Final Aim, Inc. is a firm provides hands-on design & technology.
The company cooperates with startups, labs, and MNCs, accelerating ambitious ideas & technologies to realize great design & business.

Headquarter Location: Tokyo, Japan
Founders: Masafumi Asakura, Yasuhide Yokoi
Founded Date: December 2019
Services: Business Design / Industrial Design / UI & Software Design / Technology Strategy / Financial Strategy / IP Strategy
Contact: Masafumi Asakura (

New Company Launched – “Final Aim, Inc.”


We would like to inform that we have established our company, “Final Aim, Inc.”

We are a hands-on design & technology firm. We cooperate with startups, labs, and MNCs, accelerating ambitious ideas & technologies to great design & business.

To realize new industries, we will support business development from scratch, and by this, we consider we can create a better world where those who strive can continue to challenge, regardless of nationality, race, gender, or academic background.

Moreover, we believe in the power of design, technology, and human talent, and we put these as our team’s core values.

Mount Fuji, Japan – One of the most iconic Final Aims

For the vision we aim, we now welcome business partners in various fields around the world.
Also, we are open to new crew members, who are passionate and love to strive all over the globe.
It goes without saying that it is essential to involve various partners and crews to reach the highest “Final Aim”.

About the Founders

Masafumi Asakura | Chief Executive Officer

Masafumi Asakura – from Japan – was the COO at an AI and 3D printing startup in Tokyo, Japan which succeeded in being acquired by a company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in September 2017. He was in charge of not only as a COO but also as an Executive Director of Global Business Development. From the experience of the M&A, he has been advising not only Japanese but also international startups.

The total funding amount of the AI and 3D printing startup was about US$9.4M, and Masafumi was in charge as an Executive Director of Finance, Product Management and Business until the closing of M&A. The startup provides IoT and AI solutions to manufacturing customers, and supports digital creators for worldwide activities, and participated in industry-government-academia research for cutting-edge technologies.

In Tokyo, Japan

To tackle global challenges in the AI and 3D printing industries, he gathered and led members from all over the world such as the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, China, Indonesia, and Germany.

In Jakarta, Indonesia

Previously, Masafumi lived in Singapore for about 3 years and experienced two companies. One was in charge as a Managing Director, and the other was in charge as a CEO. He succeeded in several M&As and alliances in ASEAN. He began his career in Singapore at Reeracoen Singapore Pte, Ltd. He gathered fellows from all over the world and built a multinational team, including Ireland, Spain, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, India, and Singapore.

in Singapore

Prior to joining Reeracoen Singapore Pte, Ltd., Masafumi served as a project manager at Recruit Career Co., Ltd in Tokyo, and was engaged in developing global HR systems for a recruitment consultant, in Singapore, India, Hong Kong, and Japan.

The initial start of his career was at Mizuho Financial Group, Inc., and was engaged in financial analysis and business analysis in Japan.


Yasuhide Yokoi | Chief Design Officer

Yasuhide Yokoi – “Yasu”, born in Japan, grew up in Australia – is an industrial designer highly oriented to designing sweet spots between business, technologies and user insights, sculpting them to the maximum of its potential.
He possesses deep know-how on creating meaningful user experience by form, colors, materials, finishes, and manufacturing processes.

He has collaborated with various types of clients⁠ – from early startups to MNCs – and a wide range of industries such as automotive, digital appliances, furniture and industrial equipments.
MNC clients that have worked with include Toyota, Honda, Nikon, Olympus, Microsoft, Autodesk, Kokuyo, Dentsu and Hakuhodo.
Received multiple design awards: iF, Red Dot, GOOD DESIGN AWARD, etc.

Full design portfolio:

About Final Aim

Final Aim, Inc. is a firm provides hands-on design & technology.
The company cooperates with startups, labs, and MNCs, accelerating ambitious ideas & technologies to realize great design & business.

Headquarter Location: Tokyo, Japan
Founders: Masafumi Asakura, Yasuhide Yokoi
Founded Date: December 2019
Services: Business Design / Industrial Design / UI & Software Design / Technology Strategy / Financial Strategy / IP Strategy
Contact: Masafumi Asakura (

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