Final Aim Has Established a Corporation in the United States to Expand Its Web3 Business – Delaware, US


Delware, US, April 21st, 2022 – Final Aim, Inc. (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, CEO Masafumi Asakura, and CDO Yasuhide Yokoi) announced that the company has established a corporation in the United States to expand its web3 business.

Date: April 4th, 2022
Corporate name: Final Aim, Inc.
Registered state: Delaware
Chief Executive Officer: Masafumi Asakura

Since its foundation in 2019, Final Aim has been supporting many startups and new business development in MNCs such as OTSAW, a Singapore-based robotics startup, Ultimaker, a Netherland-based global leader in the professional 3D printing industry, Autodesk, a global leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software, and Sony Design Consulting in Japan.

Read more: Final Aim and Sony Design Consulting Partner to Conduct Joint Research

In our daily industrial design business, we face many challenges and critical user insights where web2 technologies cannot fulfill and often contradict. Therefore, Final Aim has launched “Final Chain,” a beta platform for the industrial design domain with web3 technologies.

The beta platform “Final Chain” aims to drive the adoption of web3 technologies for designers and manufacturers who need decentralized and distributed systems to achieve full ownership and authenticity of designs and manufactured products. The platform leverages decentralized features like a public blockchain, smart contracts, and IPFS.

In sync with our platform strategies, we have filed three patent applications related to blockchain, smart contract and machine learning technologies applying IP management, valuation and scoring management, and digital manufacturing supply chain.

Read more: “Final Aim Introduces Beta Platform “Final Chain” to Drive Adoption of Web3 Technologies for Design & Manufacturing”

With the launch of the US company, Final Aim will be strengthening its resources and formation. Furthermore, the company will expand partnerships to co-create and realize web3 in the design and manufacturing industry.

About Final Aim
Company Name: Final Aim, Inc.
Location: US, Japan
Founders: Masafumi Asakura, Chief Executive Officer / Yasuhide Yokoi, Chief Design Officer
Business Description: Zero-to-one support with design and web3 technologies